4220 Quality of life of ostomized patients: involvement of type of stoma and adaptation period

Tuesday, June 15, 2010: 4:45 PM
María de los Dolores Ruiz , Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Valme, Estomatherapist, Sevilla, Spain
María de la Encina Arias , Hospital Universitario Principe de Asturias, Estomatherapist, Madrid, Spain
Adelina Fernández , Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo (CHUVI), Estomatherapist, Vigo, Spain
Lidón García , Hospital Provincial de Castellón, Estomatherapist, Castellón, Spain
F.J. Martínez , Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arreixaca, Estomatherapist, Múrcia, Spain
María Carmen Martínez , Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Macarena, Estomatherapist, Sevilla, Spain
Conchi Pérez , Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Estomatherapist, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Montse Petri , Complejo Universitario de Navarra, Estomatherapist, Pamplona, Spain
Teresa Poca , Hospital de Barcelona, Estomatherapist, Barcelona, Spain
Paloma de la Quintana , Hospital Universitario La Paz, Estomatherapist, Madrid, Spain
Eugenia Rodríguez , Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Estomatherapist, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
María Carmen Sabuz , Complejo Hospitalario de Ourense, Estomatherapist, Ourense, Spain
Fuensanta Salvador , Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Estomatherapist, Valéncia, Spain
Maribel Sánchez , Hospital del Mar, Estomatherapist, Barcelona, Spain
Irene Sánchez , Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Estomatherapist, Cádiz, Spain
Mercedes Medina , Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Estomatherapist, Cádiz, Spain
Beatriz Crespo , Complejo H. Universitario de Pontevedra, Estomatherapist, Pontevedra, Spain
Carmen Hernández , Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Estomatherapist, Múrcia, Spain
Jordi Tello , Hospital Municipal de Badalona, Estomatherapist, Badalona, Spain
Rosa de Dios Rubio , H. U. Ramon y Cajal, Estomatherapist, Madrid, Spain
Ana Isabel Díaz , H. U. Ramon y Cajal, Estomatherapist, Madrid, Spain
Carmen Mojarrieta , H. U. Ramon y Cajal, Estomatherapist, Madrid, Spain
Marisa Gordillo , Hospital de Zafra, Estomatherapist, Zafra, Spain
Stoma surgery represents a negative impact in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL)[i]. The ostomy adaptation process could reduce the impact on HRQoL and depends on patient[ii] and stoma characteristics. HRQoL in ostomized patients can be assessed using specific and validated tools, such as Qualypoll® questionnaire[iii]. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the real HRQoL impact of the type of stoma, as well as the adaptation process to the ostomy.
An observational, prospective, multicentre study among 50 nurses specialized in stomatherapy, in the context of usual clinical practice is being carried out in Spain. The study started on March 2009 and fieldwork is expected to be finished on November 2009.
Adult ostomized patients (colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy or combined), who signed the informed content were included. A baseline visit and a follow-up visit (at 6 months from baseline) are being done. Sociodemographic and clinical variables are being recorded in baseline and follow-up visit. HRQoL is being also assessed using Qualypoll® questionnaire3 during both visits.
Due to fieldwork is not completed, a results plan analysis is provided. Approximately 400 patients (colostomized, ileostomized, urostomized or combined) will be included. All collected variables will be analysed as a function of stoma type. Sociodemographic (age, gender, employment status, urbanization, cohabitation status and physical activity) and clinical variables (cause and date on diagnostic, date of ostomy, type of collector system and other materials used, concomitant diseases and stoma complications) will be described (at baseline and follow-up visit, if necessary).
Qualypoll® scores will be reported and compared between baseline and follow-up visits, as well as between types of stoma.
CONCLUSION: Differences in HRQoL will be reported depending on type of stoma, as well as improvement in Qualypoll® scores expected as a consequence of the stoma adaptation.
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