Complications in life of stoma patients
Mgr. Veronika Zachová, RN, ET nurse
University Hospital Prague
1th surgery clinic
keywords: stoma, colostomy, ileostomy, complications, ET nurse, stoma surgery, adaptation, education, cooperation, self-sufficiency
Quality of stoma patients' post surgery life is deteriorated. ET nurses have exceptional role. They can provide counselling as well as informations, accompanied by an initial period of adjustment and should be available to help at each step of adaptation process, e.g. stoma procedures, living with a stoma, diet, activity, travelling, relationship and detect of the commonest complications. There are several structural stoma problems. We focusing on retracted stoma, poor siting, oedema, peristomal hernia, necrosis, bleeding, prolapsed stoma, skin problems, alergie, stitch fistula, stenosis, skin folds, granulomas, etc. There are physical complications in early and late postoperative period. Some of the other problems associated with stoma will be discussed as well as odour, constipation or diarrhoea. Psychosocial adaptation to stoma surgery is the most important aspect of the whole educations process. Education is throughout the whole process of ET nurse care. Factors as age, preoperative status, diagnosis, therapy, education, support, family relationship, selfcare and stoma care problems predict psychosocial adaptation. Some of stoma complications can be prevented. Without an active cooperation with the patient or his relatives it is not possible to achieve lasting success with partial or full self-sufficiency. Uncomplicated, but a different lifestyle with stoma can be accomplished.
Mgr. Veronika Zachová, RN, ET nurse
University Hospital Prague
1th surgery clinic
keywords: stoma, colostomy, ileostomy, complications, ET nurse, stoma surgery, adaptation, education, cooperation, self-sufficiency
Quality of stoma patients' post surgery life is deteriorated. ET nurses have exceptional role. They can provide counselling as well as informations, accompanied by an initial period of adjustment and should be available to help at each step of adaptation process, e.g. stoma procedures, living with a stoma, diet, activity, travelling, relationship and detect of the commonest complications. There are several structural stoma problems. We focusing on retracted stoma, poor siting, oedema, peristomal hernia, necrosis, bleeding, prolapsed stoma, skin problems, alergie, stitch fistula, stenosis, skin folds, granulomas, etc. There are physical complications in early and late postoperative period. Some of the other problems associated with stoma will be discussed as well as odour, constipation or diarrhoea. Psychosocial adaptation to stoma surgery is the most important aspect of the whole educations process. Education is throughout the whole process of ET nurse care. Factors as age, preoperative status, diagnosis, therapy, education, support, family relationship, selfcare and stoma care problems predict psychosocial adaptation. Some of stoma complications can be prevented. Without an active cooperation with the patient or his relatives it is not possible to achieve lasting success with partial or full self-sufficiency. Uncomplicated, but a different lifestyle with stoma can be accomplished.