1300 Colostomy Irrigation: Current Knowledge and Practice of WOC Nurses

Sunday, June 23, 2013: 1:15 PM
Martha D. Cobb, MS, RN, MEd, CWOCN, ACNS-BC, Self Employed, Ostomy Nurse Educator, CWOCN, Tucson, AZ, Marcia Grant, RN, DNSc, FAAN, City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research, Director, Department of Nursing Research and Education, Durante, CA, Janice Colwell, MS, RN, CWOCN, FAAN, University of Chicago, Advanced Practice Nurse - Ostomy Care Services, Chicago, IL, Robert Krouse, MD, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System; University of Arizona, Staff General and Oncologic Surgeon; Professor, Tucson, AZ, Nancy Tallman, RN, WOCN, Self Employed, Ostomy Nurse Educator, Tucson, AZ, Christopher S. Wendel, M.S., Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, Biostatistician, Research Service Line, Tucson, AZ, Ruth McCorkle, PhD, FAAN, Yale University School of Nursing, Professor of Nursing, New Haven, CT and Mark C. Hornbrook, PhD, The Center for Health Research, NW/HI/SE Kaiser Permanente Northwest, Chief Scientist, Portland, OR
Colostomy Irrigation:  Current Knowledge and Practice of WOC Nurses

Purpose:  This study builds on the authors' previous studies that demonstrated that persons living with a colostomy who practice colostomy irrigation (CI) experience many quality of life benefits.  Studies also revealed that patients may not be taught about CI.  The purpose of this study is to determine the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of WOC nurses regarding CI.

Methodology:  A one-time on-line survey (Survey Monkey) of members of the WOCN Society was conducted.  In addition to demographic and educational information, questions also included CI advantages and disadvantages, CI content routinely taught, and challenges in assisting patients to learn CI.  We asked whether nurses believe CI is evidence-based.

Statistics:  Descriptive and comparative statistics were used to summarize survey results (means, standard deviations, and cross tabulations).  We evaluated associations via chi-square and odds ratios between nurse irrigation practices, attitudes, and characteristics.

Results:  Mailing occurred in November, 2011; 986 nurses responded.  Average age was 53 (range 25-79).  Respondents averaged 12 years experience as a WOC nurse (range 1-40 years); 89% were certified.  Respondents practiced in a variety of settings, including hospitals, LTC, home health, and ambulatory clinics.  They saw an average of 37 (SD 60.5) patients per year (range 0 - 1100).  More than half identified irrigations as an evidence-based practice (59%).  Multiple factors correlated with nurses' decisions to teach CI including years experience (p=.03), specific CI education (p<.001) and considering it evidence-based (p<.001)

Conclusions:  Responses indicated that acute care patients are typically discharged before CI can be taught, and follow-up teaching in a post-discharge setting is more conducive for patient learning (64%).  Decisions regarding CI are multifactorial including nurses' attitudes, experience base, education, medical indications, and patient interest and physical abilities.