Use of a Soft Silicone, Self-Adherent, Bordered Foam Dressing to Reduce Pressure Ulcer Formation in High Risk Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Peggy Kalowes, RN, PhD, CNS, FAHA1, Melanie Li, RN, MSN, NP, CWOCN2, Carole Carlson, RN, BSN, CWOCN2, Leslie Carr, RN, BSN, CWOCN1, Leonora Llantero, RN, BSN3, Diana Lukaszka, RN, BSN, CWOCN2, Kelly Martinez, RN, BSN4, Rowena Tan-Manrique, RN5, Lety Sia-McGee, RN, BSN6, Valerie Messina, RN, BSN, CWOCN7 and Adele Sandusky, RN, BSN4, (1)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, Director, Nursing Research, Innovations and Evidence Based Practice, Long Beach, CA, (2)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, WOCN, Long Beach, CA, (3)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, ICU, Staff Nurse, Long Beach, CA, (4)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, Staff Nurse, CCU, Long Beach, CA, (5)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, RN, Staff Nurse CCU, Long Beach, CA, (6)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, Staff Nurse ICU, Long Beach, CA, (7)Long Beach Memorial and Miller Children's Hospital, Director, Wound Care Services and Hyperbaric Program, Long Beach, CA