CS14-041 The effects of Aquacel Ag for infective wound with skin defect and severe hernia on abdomen after surgery

Hui Fang Su, Department of nursing, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan
The effects of Aquacel Ag for infective wound with skin defect and severe hernia on abdomen after surgery

Hui Fang Su, M.D.

Department of nursing, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan

A 49-year-old male suffered from abdominal organ ruptured with peritonitis. Exploratory Laparotomy with Hartmann’s procedure had been carried out on this patient. Because of abdominal tension rising, the wound care refered to open and covered with Bogota bag after surgery. In addition, the skin graft operation was done twice. Unfortunately, the wound could not heal due to severe hernia, infection that caused skin graft breakdown and the margin of wound showed hyperplasia of epithelial tissue.The period of care ran from July 7th to September 20th, 2013, the care providers had applied the Aquacel Ag for wound coverage and reduction of herniation with MATERSITY BELT. After that, we taught the patient how to care the wound and followed in OPD every 2 weeks. The care method effectively promoted wound healing. It is widely believe that the wound size was 13 × 26 cm until healing. As a result, the patient had felt comfortable and satisfaction in treated process. Also, nurses decreases nursing hours per day and elevates work accomplishment. The author expected that through sharing of this nursing care experience, it could provide nurses with a better understanding of the needs of these clients, and as a future reference on clinical care.

 Key words: infective wound, skin graft, hernia