RS14-028 Comparative study of the quality of life between people with vasculogenic ulcers and the general population

Beatriz Farias Alves Yamada, PhD, CWOCN, BSN, MsN1, Vera Lúcia C. G. Santos, PhD, MSN, BSN, CWOCN, (TiSOBEST, -, Brazil)2, Carol Viviana Serna González, BSN, WOC3, Danielle Soares da Costa, BSN, CNN, WOC4, Luciana de Aguiar Pacheco, RN, CDE, WOC4 and Mily Constanza Moreno Ramos, BSN, WOC5, (1)Enfmedic Saúde, São Paulo, Brazil, (2)Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, (3)Nacional University of Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia, (4)Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, (5)National University of Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Introduction: Vasculogenic ulcers are an important health problem, with prevalence range from 0.6 % to 3 % (1-2). Aim: Comparatively analyze quality of life (QoL) and its associated factors between  people with vasculogenic ulcers (VU) and the general population (GP). Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, secondary to Yamada and Santos (3), approved by the Ethics Committee. Convenience samples, composed by 222/362 people with VU and 208/624 of GP (paired sample from the  Kimura database* 4) were interviewed using, respectively, the Ferrans & Powers Quality of Life Index - Wound Version (Health Related Quality of Life -HRQL 0-30 points) and Generic III, demographic and clinical data (for VU). Samples were differed by educational level and partners presence (p <0.001, chi-square test). Results: QoL scores were lower (p<0,001) for the VU group, in particular on the health and Functioning subscale (9.5 SD = 2.9, 95% CI 9.2 to 9.9; student t test). Regression model explained variation from 4.10 to 13.20 % for the VU group using the variables age (p = 0.015), female sex (p=0.021), religious practice (p = 0.038) and base disease Chronic Renal Failure (p=0.001). A variable without a companion (p=0.011) reduced 1.9 points HRQL for the VU group, which was not observed in the GP group. Conclusion: Using previous categorization (5), we conclude that QoL is good for people in both groups, although worse for the VU group, especially on the Health and Functioning subscale, confirming the negative influence of vasculogenic ulcer on QoL. However, the presence of companion may increase it.

*Database still no official publication.