PI81 From general to ET nurse with the establishment of stoma clinic, non-profit organization and volunteer work: A success story

Saraswati Bhandari, ETN, Stoma Care Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Aim: To share information how my journey started to be an Enterostomal Therapist (ET) and established a stoma clinic and a non-profit organization including our reality about stoma care in Nepal.

Methods/Results: Ostomy surgery has a negative impact on physical, psychological, social and sexual functioning and quality of life. In Nepal, the situation is even poor due to the lack of stoma nurses, limited ostomy products, poverty, transportation difficulties and negligence of ostomy care by health professionals. My intense desire to be an ET started while I was working at Cancer Hospital in 2003 where I encountered many patients with complicated fecal and urinary stomas. We used povidone iodine to clean peristomal skin, wrap cloth to hold stool and tie plastic bag to collect urine. Stoma surgery was like death penalty for the patients. Going through this situation, I promised myself to be an ET in the future. After years of intensive google search, conversation with any related organizations and consistent motivation, I got a chance for stoma acre training in Japan in 2008 and Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Program in 2013. Then, I established a non-profit organization, stoma clinic at Bir Hospital in 2013 and requested ostomy supplies from Friends of Ostomates Worldwide.  Now, I am providng free ostomy products and services to the poor patients through this organization. I serve around 20 patients a week. Still, more than 50% of the poor and uneducated patients donot get professional stoma care in publich hospitals. Thus, the future plan is to collaborate with donor agencies and provide free pre and post-operative stoma care for ppor patients who cannot access to the clinic and develop training course for nurses.

Conclusions: Attending an international conference will help me to carry on duties effectively, to connect with more resource persons and explore possibilities.