4437 Clinical validation and effect of biofeedback training on fecal incontinence after low anterior resection procedure

Po-Jui Yu , Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University, Instructor, Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction: The colon rectum cancer patients received the low anterior resection procedure. Sometimes the patients suffered from fecal incontinence. Biofeedback is well established as a treatment for fecal incontinence but little is known about factors that may be associated with its effectiveness. This study was designed to establish the training guideline and evaluate the effect of biofeedback with fecal incontinent patients. Methods: Twenty patients who perceived fecal incontinence with a mean age of 67 years were included in the study. Biofeedback stimulation sessions were performed one hour every week for eight weeks. Wexner incontinence score, fecal incontinence quality of life scores, and manometry test were registered before and after treatment. Results: After biofeedback training program, the treatment effect including increased sustain time, fecal incontinence quality of life scores and decreased the incontinence score. Conclusions: This study shows that there was significant difference in effect of biofeedback stimulation. Biofeedback treatments improved Wexner incontinence score, fecal incontinence quality of life scores. Biofeedback treatment resulted in improvement of patients' subjective perception of continence control.